Grade 10 ADST Education
Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10 | In this course students will conceive a viable business idea, evaluate if it is financially reasonable, and explore the process of successfully running their business. Throughout the course students will reflect on, evaluate, and adjust their plan accordingly, recognizing that patience and perseverance are required as they plan their business. | 4 Credit |
Home Economics & Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts 10 | In this course students will use the Great Course, Everyday Gourmet: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Cooking, to build and develop their culinary skills. They will explore food preparation, safe handling, proper use of tools and equipment, ingredients, cooking methods, and presentation. | 4 Credit |
Family & Society 10 |
In this individualized course students will pursue their personal interests while learning how to create services that address social challenges. Resources will be carefully selected to meet the students needs and goals. Students taking this course will explore the role of children in families and society. |
4 Credit |
Food Studies 10 |
In this individualized course students will pursue their personal interests while exploring meal design and elements of meal preparation. Resources will be carefully selected to meet the students needs and goals. Students taking this course will consider how consumer needs affect food production and preparation. |
4 Credit |
Textiles 10 |
In this individualized course students will pursue their personal design interests using various construction techniques for producing or repairing textile items. Resources will be carefully selected to meet the students needs and goals. Student taking this course will explore the principles of design and traditional knowledge. |
4 Credit |
Info & Communication Technology
Computer Studies 10
In this course students will master a range of introductory topics. This course assumes minimal computer-usage skills (e.g., basic keyboarding, mouse, and operating system navigation skills). Students will learn the basics of a wide-range of topics related to computers and information technology. The course material is designed to appeal to a variety of students, from traditional learners who thrive on written text to audio-visual students who enjoy a multi-media format. | 4 Credit |
Computer Studies 10 using CompuScholar's "Digital Savvy" Taught by Jamie Stoker |
In this course students will master a range of introductory topics. This course assumes minimal computer-usage skills (e.g., basic keyboarding, mouse, and operating system navigation skills). Students will learn the basics of a wide-range of topics related to computers and information technology. The course material is designed to appeal to a variety of students, from traditional learners who thrive on written text to audio-visual students who enjoy a multi-media format. | 4 Credit |
Media Design 10 |
In this individualized course students will pursue their personal media design interests, selecting a media technology of interest. Resources will be carefully selected to meet the students needs and goals. Student taking this course will consider how social, ethical, and sustainability considerations impact design choices. |
4 Credit |
Web Development 10 | In this course students will master a range of introductory web-development concepts. This course assumes no prior web-development experience. Students will develop a working knowledge of web development. They will build two fun, high-quality websites with professional features. Students will also have an opportunity to create their own unique projects throughout the course. They will get the opportunity to experience all phases of a project life cycle, including requirements, design, implementation, and testing. | 4 Credit |
Web Development 10 using CompuScholar's "Web Design" Taught by Melissa Barritt |
In this course students will master a range of introductory web-development concepts. This course assumes no prior web-development experience. Students will develop a working knowledge of web development. They will build two fun, high-quality websites with professional features. Students will also have an opportunity to create their own unique projects throughout the course. They will get the opportunity to experience all phases of a project life cycle, including requirements, design, implementation, and testing. | 4 Credit |
Technology Education
Metalwork 10 | Students will learn the basics of working safely with metal projects. They will learn the various tools and techniques required to create projects out of metal. | 4 Credit |
Power Technology (CLE Auto) 10 | Students will use the Auto Fundamentals text and workbooks to learn about automotive technology and how each automotive system functions. | 4 Credit |
Power Technology 10 (CLE - Small Engine & Equip Maintenance) | Students will learn maintenance practices required to maintain power equipment in everyday situations. This course covers tools and safety, history of small engines, small engine fundamentals, and more. | 4 Credit |
Power Technology 10 (CLE - Small Gas Engines) | Students will learn about small gas engine construction, operation, lubrication, maintenance, troubleshooting, service, rebuilding, and repair. The text is written in clear, non-technical language, and provides detailed information about one-, two-, and three- cylinder, two-cycle, and four-cycle gasoline engines. | 4 Credit |
Woodwork 10 | Students will develop a strong woodworking foundation and build a variety of new skills using the Great Course: 'Woodworking 101: techniques and everyday projects'. | 4 Credit |